About Qanah


At Qanah, our goal is to transcend the nations by building up a family of Ambassadors who set trends through fashion for the Glory of God. 

Qanah, pronounced kaw-naw, is Hebrew and means God originating, creating, and redeeming His people. God, as the original creator, inspired me to make the Qanah Collection to innovate Christian apparel that will provoke, influence, and equip people of all nations to walk in their identity in Christ. Witnessing Christ's followers adorn their temples with garments that influence and represent a person or culture contrary to the Kingdom of God began to stir my heart. As an AMBASSADOR chosen by God, I found myself overlooking one of the many ways to whom and how my worship was displayed. Unknowingly I was boldly repping and glorifying earthly gods through a false lens of who I was. So, what started as a small, subtle conviction eventually grew, and Qanah was birthed.

We believe your outer appearance reflects what you behold inside. When you know who you are, you feel good and look good. We aspire to create fashion representing you and your identity in Christ because you are called to be clothed in grace and confidence.


Qanah, pronounced kaw-naw, means "of God originating, creating, redeeming His people; possessor."



The Logo Meaning

With the brand name came a vision; it was exactly what you now see as the logo for Qanah. The B's facing the opposite direction of one another represents what Jesus did for all mankind. The middle section of the logo bears the cross that represents the way for reconciliation between man and God. The circle asserts that, like Zion, the Lord surrounds His people now and forever.  Thus, the logo is a reminder that the Kingdom of God is "not of talk but of power" (1 Cor 4:20). It signifies the expression of God's bountiful love and mercy and the purchasing power of His blood. It symbolizes God's divine plan to rescue His people back unto Himself by sending His son to bear the sins of the world at the cross. And as we put our faith in Jesus, we've obtained life at the shedding of His precious blood. Therefore, we are "Blood-Bought" citizens who were redeemed from the empty way of life we inherited from our ancestors to eternal redemption. To God be the Glory!


“Honor And Glorify God With Your Body”